Shockingly, the Wolfpack made it out of Casa de Luna and on to the trail by 9am, and even managed to sneak in one final pancake breakfast! I never wanted to leave but it was time to get back to work. The day's hike was fairly uneventful and we decided to make camp just a few miles shy of mile 500, so we'll have the excitement of our first huge mile marker tomorrow morning!
Today is Memorial Day, so it was weird to be out hiking the trail and essentially getting "back to work" after our extended play time at Hiker Heaven and Casa de Luna. I thought about what I'd be doing if we were at home, and got a little homesick imagining the lakeside bbqs I was undoubtedly missing. Last Memorial Day we spent the whole day hiking then picnic-ing and relaxing in Redwood Park, and I spent some time reminiscing and thinking about how much has changed in one year. I definitely didn't realize then that I'd be almost 500 miles into the adventure of a lifetime at that point!
We stopped for lunch near a water cache at mile 486 under the shade of some large oak trees and relaxed for a while as Sensai, Starfox and Focus all joined us. After mustering the energy to continue on, we rounded the corner to find Aloha near the road with Dr. Pepper and Doritos to offer. Such a nice guy, and an awesome surprise after just leaving a trail angel's house that morning!
Lastly, it turns out that Dr. Slosh is not ACTUALLY immune to any/all trail problems afterall - he has started having some problems with his feet. With only 2 miles left to camp, he was hobbling so slowly I wasn't sure if we'd make it. We arrived before sunset and set up camp - everyone came to our site to eat and discuss plans for the following days. The rest of the Wolfpack decided to shoot for an early morning wakeup to hustle quickly to Mojave/Tehachapi, our next resupply point. Everyone but us is expecting packages in Tehachapi, whereas we'll need to go to Mojave for our bounce box and resupply from the post office. I promised to set my alarm for 5am, but also knew the chances of turning it off promptly were pretty high. We'll see how various injuries and feet feel in the morning!
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