(many) More posts coming soon! I have been journaling my heart out on paper every day, but strangely enough, my internet access has been limited (what? shocking! I know!)
Been in Big Bear since Friday afternoon, and I had high hopes for updating this blog during the short layover at the Big Bear Hostel. Unfortunately, town errands have kept me far busier than expected, and time at this ridiculously outdated (read: slow) computer has been at a serious premium, with other wayward hikers scrambling for a chance to update their blogs, facebook, send emails, etc. Hiker midnight is considered 9pm, yet it's almost 11 on a Sunday evening and this is the first chance I've had to even log on!
In short, because I am way too tired to describe much in detail at this point - things are going well! I hitchhiked for the first time in my life on Friday afternoon...it was weird, but I got a ride to town! I hitched in on Highway 18, which is 265 trail miles from the border. For my fellow math geniuses out there, I'm sure you've realized that 265 is exactly 10% of the trail! Pretty exciting. Even more exciting is the prospect that within the next few hundred miles, cactus will become a thing of the past. (There's something really bizarre about seeing cactus at 9,000 feet...just moments after pine and cedar trees!)
Speaking of things of the past...blisters!...are not yet one of them. However, my feet are greatly improved, which has made the journey significantly more enjoyable. I'm still adjusting to the everyday aches, pains, and general feeling of always being a little bit sore, but I'm feeling pretty good and the mileage is increasing. While much of the hiking has been through hot desert, there's been some pretty special places along the way as well, oftentimes in the most unexpected of locations. My favorite secret oasis so far is the Whitewater Preserve just outside of Cabazon. Pictures to come soon, but suffice it to say that I was more than a little surprised to find an actual RIVER! flowing through the middle of the desert. Add to that a designated PCT camping area rife with Alder trees and wading pools to soothe the aching joints, and I was quite literally a happy camper. Pictures to come soon.
More on the journey soon! I have no hesitation saying it's the hardest thing I've ever attempted, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be well worth the effort. I'm optimistic things only get easier from here!
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